A step forward please (yes, you!)

Well. Too many questions in this rare blog. Questions like "what i want for my life?"; "Where in the blue hell can I find her?"; "What I feel this way?".
After a LONG insight I can say that I have a primary answer... I need to focus in myself, that's why I'm gonna rent a room and try to change my rutins. It will be a diferent era for me (I hope so), I need to find the man that I used to be (that sounds so clice, right?).
I don't know why this last days were diferent. I felt less bored, maybe because this week was full of activities.
How is the life in your city? Yes, I'm asking to you my penpal dude or lady. How is the life in Germany, USA, Netherland, Russia, Australia and all the rest of countries? Here, in a little corner of the last place on earth (in the world's driest desert) a man feels so insignificant. Not cause the man doesn't love himself, just because is too far away from places where people feel happy.
Here... averything gets dry with the time.
Oh god,... I have so many troubles in my mind. I work for a catholic radiostation, so... all the conversations we have in a morning show have to "adjust" or being "politically correct" with church ideas. I always think to myself when I give my opinion about something "what happen if I'm insulting religious thoughts" "Am I being heretic right now?" , "my boss is angry with me about... something and he doesn't tell me anything cause bible said so?". I don't know... Someday I talked with some women of a group against violence in family... but I start to talk to divorce (yes... church is against divorce) and... I don't thought about that action as a problem, but just when my big boss (a bishop) told us about a very good new to the community... "the family club is maintaining the marriages united..."
Life goes on and I need changes. Wish me luck guys!
PD: Help me to fix my bad... bad english please!